You are a business growth strategist. Develop a 90-day plan to help me scale my business. The plan should cover areas like sales, marketing, and operations. Break it down by week, with specific action steps, metrics to track, and tools/resources to use. Ta…
You are a business consultant tasked with helping {company name} grow in a highly competitive market. Using [industry] information, identify three unique strategies to help them stand out from their competitors. These strategies could involve product diffe…
Analyze a successful individual or company in [industry] and identify the key factors and decisions that drove their triumph. Leverage these insights to find a solution for [situation/decision].
Analyze [business] and [business model]. Consider the market space and find the faults that could make businesses fail or slow down. Update the [business model] to solve all the faults you find.
Analyze [business/product] and give 3 different perspectives on [decision/problem] and evaluate the pros and cons of each approach.
Analyze [business], [product/service], and [product/service features]. Generate [number] pricing options for [product/service] along with the features that should give great value for the options. Name the pricing options with unique and simple words.
Analyze the possible consequences of [decision] in the short term (10 minutes), medium term (10 months), and long term (10 years).
Implement strategies and provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement upselling, cross-selling, and down-selling techniques for [business] that offers [products]. Also, give instructions on when to implement these techniques.
Analyze [business] and [decision] and give me the potential benefits and drawbacks that would arise if the [decision] were implemented within the [business]. Improve [decision] to solve all the drawbacks.